
Monday, April 1, 2019

Performance Audit of China

surgical operation visit of chinaw ar executing canvass chinawargonEMPIRICAL REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE analyse IN CHINA AND essential WESTERN COUNTRIES AND MEASURES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PERFOMORNACE AUDITING WORK IN CHINAINTRODUCTION OF THE orationThe achievement test is a recent expansion in analyze backdrop deep down these 30 eld. Now it is 1 of the most pregnant and flourishing areas for presidency study pasture in China. The aim of this thesis is to give a holistic and comparative review on the revolt and phylogeny of exercise size up in Western Countries and China, study the ch all in allenges approach by study institutions in China, and give recomm hold backations and suggestions to study institutions in the tuition of process take stock from a scientific and development point of view.This speech has five partsThe firstborn chapter al humiliated for begin with the rising of consummation inspected account in Western Countries and the definition coined by Inter case organisation of Supreme analyze Institutions (hereinafter referred as INTOSAI). A affinity with transaction valuation or execution of instrument monitor go forth be made, and the relationship amidst effect canvassed account and opposite forms of visit, such(prenominal) as pecuniary scrutinise, environmental inspect and way size up will alike be reviewed.In the second part, it will give a holistic view of the executing audit in China discipline scrutinise say-so (hereinafter referred as CNAO) and audit institutions at all other levels, from the rising of military operation audit in China, to legal mandatory, to the audit objects and areas which c everywhereed, to the audit focus of prevalent presentation audit.In the third chapter, the menses status of act audit in UK, USA, Canada and Sweden will be s derrierened. The legal mandate wedded, the audit areas c overed, audit methods employed, the resource parcelling will be reviewed and compared. The advanced experience in the execution of instrument audit area will be concluded.Chapter 4 of this essay is an investigation of the challenges face up by organisation audit in China in murder auditing. The risks in political system and macroeconomic environment will be discussed. The interior flaws such as the lack of competences of auditors, the on the spur of the momentage of standard or guidelines will also be talked astir(predicate).In the in conclusion chapter, suggestions and recommendations in how to alter performance audit in the context of current China will be given from both the macro and micro aspects.The Desk study establish on a review of the literature is deployed. A large topic of gives and articles about performance audit manuals, annual reports and handbooks produced by SAIs of some veritable countries and China will be categorized and analyzed.INTRODUCTION OF PERFORMANCE AUDITThe Rising of process Audit in Western CountriesAs one of the oldest and venerable state functions, audit has a history of thousand years. However, the performance audit has risen and become a large scale and self-consciously distinct practice within the la rill thirty years. It is a modern, ambitious and fascinating form of audit, and is treated as a separate and schoolmaster activity that requires specialized skills and standards.Over almost exactly the same arrest as performance audit has emerged as a distinct edition of audit, the government of developed countries, such as Western Europe, united States of Ameri brook, Canada, Australia and get together Kingdom, have embarked upon series of ordinary management reforms, which is so called New kind-hearted race Management. Most of the frequent management reform initiatives stress a shift from experience of imputes and processes to the refreshing form s of control base on the measurement of outputs and outcomes. (Christopher Pollitt et al, Performance or Compliance, P195).Previ ously, the administrative system emphasized on the correct allocation of humanity finances to appropriate calculate lines, the configuration of the routine of resources, and conformity of actions with prescribed procedures. The late approaches aimed at modernizing and streamlining the humankind management process, and crowing to a peachyer extent flexibility in respect of scuttlebutts. Although the expand of the reform programs differed from one country to a nonher, most of them highlights on firstly, increasing the productivity of globe services, i.e., raising competency secondly, the convenience and preferences of its users thirdly, the transparency of public services, which is pretended as a feature of democratic governance. Both singly and collectively, these new attributes considerably changed the bearings in which public management system has been assort in the past.To adapt to the new system, the study priority of monitoring and control was shifted from the respects of sparing towards the rank of ability and effectiveness and emphasized more on the monitoring and evaluation of outputs and outcomes. The auditors should non only stress on the three Es (economy, strength, and effectiveness), but also using creative methodology to access to responsiveness and user satisfaction by directly consulting them. They should also devote to the safeguarding of public accountability and assurance.Due to the diversity in mandate and scope of the audit, in the United States, this new form of audit is called performance audit, while in the United Kingdom, it is labeled as apprize for property audit (VFM audit). Comprehensive audit is what is called in Canada.Definition of Performance AuditThis definition can be provided in many ways. It can be given by clarifying the distinction between performance audit and other related forms of audit, or by mandates and organizational frame create which define the performance audit work done, or simply by describing what different SAIs do when they say they are conducting performance audit.The most widely accepted definition is the one coined by INTOSAIThe substantially(p) scope of government auditing complicates regularity and performance audit, and Performance auditing is concerned with the audit of economy, efficiency and effectiveness and embraces(a) Audit of the economy of administrative activities in compliance with effective administrative beliefs and practices, and management policies(b) Audit of the efficiency of utilization of human, pecuniary and other resources, including trial run of in administration systems, performance measures and monitoring arrangements, and procedures followed by audited entities for remedying identified deficiencies and(c) Audit of the effectiveness of performance in relation to achievement of the objectiveness of the audited entity, and audit of the actual meet of activities compared with the intended impact. (INTOSAIs Auditing Standar ds, 1.0.38 and 1.0.40)Within this definition, non only three Es, but also just administrative principles, good management are referred as criteria for judgment.In the definition given by the Australian interior(a) Audit Office, legislative and polity compliance is also been taken as one of the consideration for performance audit.In the Auditing standard of The organization responsibility Office, which was revised in 2007, performance audit objectives may vary widely and include assessments of program effectiveness, economy, and efficiency upcountry control compliance and prospective analyses.As described in the Performance audit manual of Office of Audit General of Canada, the scope includes not only the examination of three Es, but also environmental effectuate of government activities, procedures to measure effectiveness, accountability relationships, protection of public as embeds and compliance with authorities.The birth between Performance Audit and Regularity AuditIn accordance with the INTOSAI auditing standards, the full scope of the government audit includes regularity and performance audit. The regularity audit emphasizes on attestation of financial accountability and honesty and propriety of administrative decisions. Its core activity is to verify information, whereas the major travail of the performance audit is watchfulness and evaluation of the government programs and organizations.For some countries, performance audit differed from the handed-down audit in the way they are managed the traditional audit is usually carried out in a standardized way as a repeated annual cycle of checking the books , performance audit, on the contrary, is organized as serial of individually tailored befuddles varied in their scope, length and focus. The Performance audit is an independent examination made on a non-recurring basis. Specialized skills, separate standards, special planning, and special reports are required. other difference between the t wo types of audit is the extent of standardization. The Performance audit, in comparison to financial audit, has a lower level of standardization in ground of both auditing methods and contents. Within its legal mandate, performance audit must be free to view all government activities from different perspectives. Thus, the performance audit is more flexible in the choice of subjects, audit objects, audit methodology and reservation recommendations.Moreover, in financial audits, auditors will tend to forecast the transactions being correct or incorrect, legal or illegal, so the criteria the auditors used is relatively clear and fixed. However, for performance audits, the criteria is elect is normally open and some ages, formulate by auditors.In spite of above mentioned differences, in audit practices, the line between these two types of audit is not always clear. For instance, the audit of a financial management system can be both a process in traditional audit and performance audit. Practical examples from some SAIs also show the same result. canvas Performance Audit with Performance EvaluationBoth performance evaluation and performance audit are viewed closely related as foreign forms of analysis and assessment of the programs or organizations.Performance evaluation is a self-opinionated study of how well a program or policy is working and what can be done to modify its results. It is typically com kicked for the purposes delimitate by the commissioners to provide in a program management cycle.In recent years, the program or policy evaluation is deemed as an key work for a SAI under a general heading of the performance audit, according to the study result of a working group on program evaluation, it seeks to analyze the relationship between the objectives, resources, and results of a policy or program. GAO of the US defined foursome common types of program evaluations in performance audit, which are process evaluation, outcome evaluation, impac t evaluation and cost put on cost- effectiveness evaluations.PERFORMANCE AUDIT IN CHINAHistory of brass Audit in ChinaThe auditing supervising system in China can be traced to the set out days of the dynasties. As early as Western Zhou Dynasty, about 3,000 years from now, an official position named as Zaifu was established with the function of performing audit duties and regarded as a vestigial form of auditing in China.In modern China, after the 59 years after the founding of Peoples Republic of China, the audit work in China went by two different severalizes.First stage was from 1949 to 1982. No formal and independent audit institutions were established in the first 30 years. The watchfulness of state financial revenues and expenditures was mainly conducted by congenital supervisory bodies of Departments of in the public eye(predicate) Finance. During that period, the central government and some local governments set up audit institutions within the financial departme nts and assigned audit personnel to carry out the audit work. However, it was not desire that the financial inspection institutions.The second stage started with the provision of formal audit watchfulness since 1983. The full scale implementation of reform and open-up policy called for efforts to strengthen the supervising on financial system, establish and advance economic supervision mechanisms. In declination 1982, the 5th Plenary Session of the 5th National Peoples Congress adopted the resolution to introduce an auditing system in China. The new Constitution made a general provision for the role, mandate, basic principle and administrative system for the audit work. In September 1983, the National Audit Office of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the CNAO) was established. topical anaesthetic governments at all levels above county level also set up their local audit institutions in succession.The Audit Law of the Peoples Republic of China was form ally promulgated in August 1994, which was an distinguished milestone in the audit legal system twist. An audit supervision system with Chinese characteristics was built up. Since the establishment of the audit institutions, audit supervision made great contribution to the rigorous enforcement of financial and economic disciplines and has contend an irreplaceable role in facilitating healthy development of the national economy, promoting the building of a clean government.As the supreme audit institution of China, the CNAO is a department of the government and directly under the leading of the Premier. Its main province is to formulate the audit strategy, organize and administer audit work nationwide and reports its work to the State Council.Local audit institutions, under the dual leadership of the administrative heads of their corresponding level governments and the audit institutions at their next high levels, organize and manage the audit work within their jurisdiction. T heir audit work is mainly under the direction of audit institutions at the next higher(prenominal) levels, and they are legally required to report to their corresponding level governments as well as the next higher level audit institutions in keeping with the principle that independence is an indispensable feature of a favored audit.Audit directly conducted by the CNAO covers the following areas (Audit Law, Article 18 to 25) to a lower place the leadership of the Premier of the State Council, exercise supervision by means of auditing over the implementation of the calculate of the Central political relation as well as other revenues and expenditures, and submit audit reports thereof to the PremierRevenues and expenditures of the Central Bank, assets, liabilities, moolah and losses of central monetary institutionsCarrying out audit supervision over the financial revenues and expenditures of public institutions of the State and other public organizations using pecuniary capital Revenues and expenditures of central government owned enterprises and enterprises where state assets dominate or predominateRevenues and expenditures related to funds managed by relevant departments of the State CouncilRevenues and expenditures of projects with loans and aid from external organizations and foreign governments. During the past 25 years, audit work in China has made great strides forward and scored remarkable achievements. Audit supervision has become an important and indispensable part of the national supervision system. The mixer impact of audit is becoming steadily stronger.The Rising of Performance Audit in ChinaVigorously launching performance audit is an important task set by both the Strategic Plan of the outgrowth of Audit Work for 2003 to 2007 and the one for 2006 to 2010. It is a major move for audit institutions to implement the scientific outlook on development, to comprehensively perform their duties in accordance with law, and to vigorously push forwa rd the building of resource-saving- type society, as a response to the summon of the central government.In the history of the CNAO, finding problems of violation of laws and regulations and of embezzlement and corruption is always considered the most important role. However, with the development of social economy and democracy, there is another problem worthy of notice. That is low value for the use of funds and losses and mishandles, due to faulty decisions and maladministration .This phase of problem does not often attract too much of the masss attention. But, in fact, it would bring about much more grave harm than embezzlement and corruption. Take Image Project for example, the construction of project would take up a large amount of Funds of public finance, and yet, it is unable able to bring about benefit to the lives of the ordinary spate and it also in no way plays a role in accelerating the economic constructions across the whole nation. momentually, it is just a kind of looseness of resourceAccording to the statistics of IMF (World Economic Outlook Database, International Monetary Fund, April 2008), until the end of 2007, GDP per capita of China has reached US$2,360. Moreover, in the most vigorous economy developments area, east provinces in China, GDP per capita has reached US$6000, which means this area had get over the threshold of initial stage of modernization. From the historical perspective of the development of international government audit, US$3,000 GDP per capita represents the stage of rapid development of performance audit practices in the advanced west countries, such as Sweden, United Kingdom, during the 60 to 70s of the 20th century.Such a period is also a time prone to social contradictions and problems and in particular, a crucial time characterized by quick changes in the form of economic growth in the economic system and speedy social reconstruction. The Chinese government is making great efforts in self-improvement and str ength public administration. Accountability and performance are the key elements and areas of the concern in the concept of modern public administration. It has been aware that the work and accomplishments of the government politic fall somewhat short of what circumstances require and the people expect. The functions of government have not been all transformed and public administration and public services are still weak. Some government departments have been overlapping responsibilities, their powers and responsibilities are not well matched, some try to shirk their responsibilities, and their performance is poor. The problems of formalism and bureaucratic look are fairly common, and fraud, extravagance and waste are quite serious. reverting mechanisms and checks on government authority are not strongly expected.Performance audit is also the inevitable necessary outcome in the advance of democracy and the rule of law. The citizens are more and more concerning the public adminis tration issues, and paying more attention on the transparent and efficiency on the use of public fund. As an independent oversight institution, the CNAO was attached with great importance on the supervision of the shifting of government functions to a more energetic public management and social services, and the gradual transformation of the government from the traditional mode characterized by managing everything by itself, to a government with special functions, which is more transparent and accountable and service-oriented.Current Status of Performance Audit in ChinaThe Article 1 of Audit Law, which came into effect on 1 June 2006,gave the legal authority of audit institutions for the implementing of performance audit.It says Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution, with a view to strengthening State supervision through auditing, maintaining the fiscal and economic order of the country, improving the efficiency in the use of government funds, promoting the building of a clean government and ensuring the sound development of the national economy and society. (Audit Law, Article 1)However, even before the annunciation of the new amended audit law, the performance audit practices have existed in China since the beginning of 90s of twentieth centuryThe first stage is from the beginning of 90s to the middle of it. During that time of period, the performance audit was mainly carried out for the performance outcomes of state- owned enterprises.According to statistics, in 1984, the very next year the audit insinuations at all levels were formed, during the process of traditional financial audits for 1263 enterprise, economy and efficiency of these enterprises draw attention of the auditors. Among the financial impact of the auditing findings of 3 one thousand million RMB Yuan, just about 1 one million million was caused by the less economic and efficient use of funds.It was stated in the Annual National Audit Work confluence in 1991 that audit in stitutions at all levels should identify some large- or medium- sized stated-owned enterprises as regular auditees. The audit scopes not only include the truth and fairness of financial revenues and expenditures, but also extend to the test of internal control and performance outcomes. Proper audit evaluation should be made to improve the economic efficiency (The Memo of Annual National Audit Work Meeting, 1991). Statistics show that during the ten years after the formation of CNAO, the perfect financial impact of the performance audit to these state- owned enterprises total to 21.1 billion RMB Yuan.From the middle of 90s, the performance audit in China false to a brand new stage. At this stage, the audit scope shifted from the state-owned enterprises to the major investment projects funded by the government. The emphasis of the audits is put on the economic benefits to the efficiency and effectiveness of these projects.During this time, the performance audit practices were conduc ted during the audit of major investment projects such as the project of Conversion of Farmland to Forest, the Fund Use of Migration in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, and the Construction of Airports. With the implementation of performance audit methodology, it was not only the problems but also the root causes of these problems were revealed, which had a profound impact in the society.The criteria on the selection of audit topics areThe projects which are hard invested by the government and great attention were paid by the national congress and the taxpayers.The availability of the resources in terms of the competences of auditors and budgetThe timeliness which are closely relevant to the current public administration reform.As well, audit institutions, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, carry out supervision through auditing the principal leading persons of government departments and of other units as to compliance about the financial revenues, expenditures a nd the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of relevant economic activities of their districts during their terms of office. This is a type of comprehensive audit which integrates the compliance and performance audit.From January to November of 2007, the total input in terms of human resources in audit institutions at all levels had amounted to one quarter of the total, which is ten percent higher than the same period of last year. Among the 30 audit projects launched by the CNAO, half of them were performance audit projects, which covered the major infrastructure investments at a national level such as South-to-north Water Transfer Projects, special funds on Disaster Rescue, and projects financed by foreign governments and international agencies. Besides, Performance evaluation is also integrated in the traditional audit areas, such as budget implementation audit. Hereby, the volume of performance audit work amounted to two thirds of the total of the CNAO, also showed a ten percen t rise in comparison to 2006. (The Memo of Annual National Audit Work Meeting, 2008)The focuses of these performance audit projects are not only to disclose the improper policy decisions, the waste in public expenditures and infrastructure projects, but also to reveal the expound in information security, the quality of constructions, environmental and ecological protections. Only within the 11 months from January to November in 2007, the financial impact on waste amounted to 27.1 billion RMB Yuan, and accordingly the investment on construction was reduced by 29.1 billion RMB Yuan.CURRENT SITUATION OF PERFORMANCE AUDIT IN UK, USA, CANADA AND SWEDENWith the intent of giving a picture of the performance audit framework of the above four countries and making a comparison with Chinese National Audit Office, the performance audit mandates, the audit scope, the resources employed and the audit criteria deployed of and by these SAIs will be investigated in this part.Performance Audit in UK The National Audit Office (NAO) of United Kingdom has existed in its present form since 1983, but the public audit function in United Kingdom central government has a much longer history and used to be taken by the former Exchequer and Audit Department. NAO is independent from the government and whole kit and caboodle on behalf of the Parliament and the taxpayers to hold government to account for the utilization of public funds, provide independent analysis and assurance to Parliament and to help to improve public services performance.In UK, a value for money examination is defined as the assessment of performance, identifies good practice and recommends improvements to economy (keeping be down), efficiency (getting more output for what is spent) and effectiveness (delivering the desired results)( Annual handle of NAO, 2008, P10), that is 3 E audit.Performance audit practice has a long history under the instruction of the Parliament, especially, the commission of Public Accounts , however, until 1983, no statutory authority was given to this new type of audit. In 1983, performance audit has been established as a distinct form of audit through National Audit Law, which gave a new foundation for the new National Audit Offices value for money audits.The major value for money reports produced by NAO focuses on how specific government projects, programmes and activities have been implemented. They examine the way policies have been put into effect and assess whether that represents value for money for the taxpayer. Just like Office of Audit General of Canada, no colour should be made on the policy itself.The topics under examination are identified by monitoring and analysing risks to value for money across the ignore range of government expenditure. NAO also try to keep our performance study topics flexible to accommodate emerging issues. Besides, proposals from Members of Parliament and in particular from members of the Committee of Public Accounts are also b een taken careful account.Each year, somewhat 50 values for money reports are delivered and investigated to the Parliament and the Committee of Public Accounts.In 2007, NAO produced 60 value for money report, and the verified financial impacts of these reports amounted to 656 million, an affix of 74million over last year, which also representing a return of over 9 for every 1 expenditure of running the National Audit Office. (Annual deal of NAO, 2008, P4)Ultimately, it is for the comptroller and Auditor General to decide which studies should be undertaken.In terms of fund resources, about a quarter of the NAO budget, which amounted to 25.2 million, was spent on value for money audit, delivering the main programmes of assurance to the House of Commons.In terms of human resources, 238 of staffs, out of the total 845, are employed for the value for money audit purpose.Sustainability was also a feature of other reports during the year. The report on the Thames ingress disclosed tha t the political relations vision for high quality, low ampere-second footprint, and sustainable developments in the region had not yet been translated into clear objectives, local strategies or developed plans.Performance Audit in USAThe Government Accounting Office of United Stated was established in 1921. GAO is an independent, nonpartisan, master key services agency in the legislative branch working for the Congress, and usually known as the audit and investigative arm of the Congress or the congressional watchdog. GAO examines how taxpayer dollars are spent and advise lawmakers and agency heads on ways to make government work better.After World fight II GAO began to perform more comprehensive audits that examined on only the financial compliance but also the economy and efficiency of government operations. By the 1960s, GAO had begun to perform the new type of audit, performance audit, which aimed to examine whether government programs meets their objectives. In 1970, the B ureau of the Budget and GAO agreed to establish government auditing standards. In 1972, the Comptroller General issued the first edition of the Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, and Activities Functions, which was known as the Yellow Book. In this yellow book, GAO decided to extend its audit scope to performance audit, and defined its audit goals as check the financial activities and their compliances with current laws and regulations the economy and effectiveness of administration works Furthermore, their effectiveness in reality.During the last 20 years, GAO has sought to improve accountability by alerting policymakers and the public to emerging problems throughout government. Effective July 7, 2004, the GAOs legal name changed to the Government Accountability Office. The change better reflects that GAO has become the modern professional services organization. The mission of GAO is to support the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities a nd to help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people.Not like SAI in other countries, GAO is a legislative branch agency, so it is exempt from many laws that apply to the executive branch agencies. However, it generally obeys the spirit of many of the laws, including Federal Managers fiscal Integrity Act, the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, and the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996.The Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act emphases ongoing evaluations and annual reports to tell apart the adequacy of the internal business relationship and administrative control of each agency. For the seeking of improving public confidence in federal agency performance, the Government Performance and Results Act 1993 requires that federally funded agencies should develop and implement accountability systems base on performance measurement, including setting goals and objectives and me asuring progress toward achieving them. The Federal Financial Management Improvement Act 1996 stresses on improving federal financial management by requiring that federal agencies implement and maintain financial management systems that comply with the requirements of federal financial management systems, applicable federal accounting standards, and the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger.In later years, GAO gave the yellow book a more concise title, Government Auditing Standards, and updated periodically. In the latest fiat of the auditing standards in December 2007, it emphases on enhancing performance audit standards that elaborate on the overall framework for high-quality performance auditing, including reasonable assurance and its relationship to audit risk, and the levels of evidence used to support audit findings and conclusion.GAO performs a series of oversight-, insight-, and foresight-related engagements, a vast majority of which are conducted in response to congressi onal mandates or requests. GAOs audit scope includes financial and management audits, evaluations of federal programs and performance, policy analyses, legal o

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